Informes y planes elaborados en el curso 2016/2017 (campaña 2017)

Total 118 items.
Cód. estudioDegreeQuality ReportImprovement Plan
107Bachelor's Degree in Architecture
157Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies
142Bachelor's Degree in Building Engineering
151Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering
141Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
146Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering
147Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automatic Engineering
111Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
144Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering Technology
143Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering
148Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering
149Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering
150Bachelor's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering
145Bachelor's Degree in Telecomunications Technology and Services Engineering
125Degree in Biotechnology
131Degree in Business Administration and Management
127Degree in Chemistry
119Degree in Classics
133Degree in Economics
120Degree in English
100Degree in Environmental Sciences
134Degree in Finance and Accounting
102Degree in Fine Arts
112Degree in Food Science and Technology
135Degree in Geography and Land Management
114Degree in Geology
122Degree in History
123Degree in History of Art
128Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
106Degree in Information Management
105Degree in Journalism
138Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
132Degree in Law
137Degree in Marketing and Market Research
126Degree in Mathematics
118Degree in Medicine
153Degree in Modern Languages
117Degree in Nursery School Education
101Degree in Nursing
109Degree in Occupational Therapy
129Degree in Odontology
115Degree in Optics and Optometry
104Degree in Philosophy
113Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science
124Degree in Physics
108Degree in Physiotherapy
116Degree in Primary School Education
103Degree in Psychology
136Degree in Public Management and Administration
140Degree in Rural and Agri-Food Engineering
110Degree in Social Work
121Degree in Spanish
139Degree in Tourism
130Degree in Veterinary Science
674Erasmus Mundus Master's in Membrane Engineering
691Master in Agricultural Engineering
693Master in Research in Agricultural and Environmental Sciencies
682Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
619Master's in Accounting and Finance
705Master's in Administrative Management
694Master's in Advanced Studies in English-language Literature and Cinema
649Master's in Advanced Studies in the History of Art
679Master's in Advanced Studiesi in Language, Communication and its Pathologies
627Master's in Animal Nutrition
675Master's in Architecture
690Master's in Auditing
629Master's in Biomedical Engineering
680Master's in Chemical Engineering
687Master's in Chemical Research
607Master's in Cultural Heritage Management
701Master's in Digital Information and Communication Consulting
677Master's in Economic History
620Master's in Economics
657Master's in Electronic Engineering
689Master's in Environmental Nanotechnology
692Master's in Evaluation and Physical Training for Health
702Master's in Food Quality, Safety and Technology
611Master's in Gender Relations
698Master's in General Sanitary Psychology
671Master's in Genetic, nutritional and environmental growth and development condiitoners
608Master's in Geographical Information Technology for Territorial Development: Geographical Informations Systems and Teledetection
686Master's in Geology: Techniques and Applications
700Master's in Hispanic Literatures and Spanish Language: Tradition and Identities
654Master's in Hispanic Studies: Language and Literature
683Master's in IT Engineering
685Master's in Industrial Chemistry
681Master's in Industrial Engineering
632Master's in Introduction to Research in Agricultural Science and Natural Environment
624Master's in Introduction to Medical Research
656Master's in Land and Environmental Planning
678Master's in Legal Practice
646Master's in Lifelong learning in multicultural contexts
697Master's in Management, Strategy and Marketing
684Master's in Mechanical Engineering
676Master's in Modeling, Mathematical Research, Statistics and Computing
655Master's in Modern History
688Master's in Molecular Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis
600Master's in Molecular and Cellular Biology
637Master's in Nanostructured Materials for Nanotechnology Applications
696Master's in Nursing Studies
672Master's in Occupational Health and Safety
602Master's in Physics and Physical Technologies
699Master's in Product Development Engineering
670Master's in Public Health
704Master's in Quantitative Biotechnology
652Master's in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency
648Master's in Research and Advanced Studies in History
647Master's in Sciences of the Antiquity
610Master's in Social Gerontology
643Master's in Sociology of Public and Social Policy
659Master's in Teacher for Mandatory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language, Arts and Sports Education
633Master's in Tourism Management and Planning
638Master's in Translation of Specialised Texts
695Master's in the Ancient World and Archaeological Heritage
644Master's in the European Union