735 | Máster Universitario en Tecnologías Cuánticas / Master in Quantum Technologies | 651 | | | | Satisf. PAS
| | |
713 | Máster Universitario en Robótica, Gráficos y Visión por Computador / Robotics, Graphics and Computer Vision | 615 | | | | Satisf. PAS
| | |
717 | Máster Universitario en Biofísica y Biotecnología Cuantitativa / Master in Biophysics and Quantitative Biotechnology | 626 | | | | Satisf. PAS
| | |
729 | Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Ingeniería de Membranas para un Desarrollo Sostenible / Erasmus Mundus Master in Membrane Engineering for a Sustainable Development | 641 | | | | Satisf. PAS
| | |
608 | Master´s in Geographic Information Science and Technology for Land Management: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing | 352 | Enseñanza
| | | Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST
726 | Masters degree in Tumor Immunology and Cancer Immunotherapy | 637 | | | | Satisf. PAS
| | |
695 | Master's in the Ancient World and Archaeological Heritage | 553 | Enseñanza
| | | Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST
633 | Master's in Tourism Management and Planning | 471 | Enseñanza
| Movilidad
| Prácticas
| Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST
659 | Master's in Teacher for Mandatory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language, Arts and Sports Education | 415 | Enseñanza
| | Prácticas
| | Satisf. PDI
| |
659 | Master's in Teacher for Mandatory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language, Arts and Sports Education | 584 | Enseñanza
| | Prácticas
| Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| |
659 | Master's in Teacher for Mandatory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language, Arts and Sports Education | 585 | Enseñanza
| | Prácticas
| Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST
659 | Master's in Teacher for Mandatory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language, Arts and Sports Education | 586 | Enseñanza
| | Prácticas
| | Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST
703 | Master's in Swine Health and Production | 567 | Enseñanza
| | | Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| |
643 | Master's in Sociology of Public and Social Policy | 523 | Enseñanza
| | Prácticas
| Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST
610 | Master's in Social Gerontology | 374 | Enseñanza
| | Prácticas
| Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST
648 | Master's in Research and Advanced Studies in History | 528 | Enseñanza
| | | Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST
652 | Master's in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency | 535 | Enseñanza
| Movilidad
| Prácticas
| Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST
725 | Master's in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency | 636 | | | | Satisf. PAS
| | |
708 | Master's in Public Administration Law | 582 | Enseñanza
| | | Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST
699 | Master's in Product Development Engineering | 562 | Enseñanza
| Movilidad
| Prácticas
| Satisf. PAS
| Satisf. PDI
| Satisf. EST