Science and
engineering are fundamental pillars on which the development of modern
societies is based. In
recent decades, fields such as computer science or robotics have experienced
substantial advances that have revolutionized areas as diverse as transport,
communications, medicine or social networks. Researchers
in the field of Systems Engineering and Information Technology contribute to
promote the process of research, development and innovation (R+D+i) in the
technology sector. They
also perform technology transfer tasks that benefit the industry and companies
in the area. Thus,
the training of researchers in this field is a key element in today's society.
goal of this PhD Program is the training of doctors who lead the generation of
knowledge and its transfer to society through the development of an
"original research" during the beginning of its research career with
high levels of quality, internationalization, innovation, recognition and mobility. The
PhD Program offers research training in the fields of Computer Science
and Systems Engineering, which emanates from the research groups, recognized by
the Government of Aragón, at the Department of Computer Science and Systems
Engineering of the University of Zaragoza.
research groups that support the PhD Program collaborate actively with
internationally recognized companies and academic institutions, including MIT,
Stanford, Berkeley, Yale, UC San Diego, U. Pennsylvania, Oxford, Imperial
College, ETH Zurich, KTH Stockholm, TU Munich, U. Freiburg, I. Max Planck, U.
Roma La Sapienza, U. Sydney, etc. This
activity offers PhD students the possibility of integrating themselves into relevant
research teams in cutting-edge areas, conducting research stays and developing
their PhD thesis in the context of research projects. In
the surrounding area there are also important companies such as BSH (Bosch und
Siemens Hausgeräte), and institutions such as the ITA (Technological Institute
of Aragón) or the I3A (Aragón Engineering Research Institute), which demand
professionals whose competences coincide with those of a PhD of our
PhD Program in Systems Engineering and Information Technology is taught at the
University of Zaragoza since the 1986/87 academic year, serving as the genesis
of the current Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering (DIIS). The
program was initiated according to the regulation of Real Decreto 185/85 and
has been adapted to the following regulations (RD 778/98, RD 56/2005, RD
1393/2007 and RD 99/2011). The
PhD Program in Systems Engineering and Information Technology MCD2003-00466 got
the Quality Award in the first call in 2003, and since then it has maintained
it with renewals in all the calls. This
program has also been distinguished with the Mention towards Excellence by the
Ministry of Education (Ref. MEE2011-0004).
The student acquires the competences already described in the ‘Program skill’ section. These skills are developed instrumentally depending on the research group in which the doctoral thesis is undertaken. The outgoing student profiles are adjusted to the different lines of research:
Secretary of the Department of Computing and Systems Engineering
School of Engineering and Architecture
Campus Río Ebro,
C/María de Luna, 1. 50018 Zaragoza
Phone: +34 976 761949
The students of the program acquire the basic competences indicated in article 5 of Royal Decree 99/2011 on doctorate. They are the following:
The RD 99/2011 highlights the high professional training of doctors in various fields, especially those that require creativity and innovation. Therefore, the doctors of the program will have acquired, at least, personal skills and abilities to:
The requirements for access to doctorate studies are set in RD 99/2011 and can be consulted in the corresponding Instruction of the Doctorate School (pdf). In general, an official Spanish Bachelor's and Master's degrees or equivalent are required, with a minimum global extension of 300 ECTS credits.
Candidates with university degrees issued by a country of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) may request admission directly (info). If the degree is issued by a country outside the EHEA, the application for access with a non-homologated foreign degree must be submitted (info).
Those interested can expand their information in the administrative section of the Doctoral School (web) or the administration of the program (see contact data in the program general information section).
Oferta de plazas: 30
Admission to the PhD
program of Systems Engineering and Computer Science
In order to start PhD studies it is required to be accepted by the Academic Committee of the PhD program. The student is required to apply for admission to the Academic Committee of the program, within the period established annually in the academic calendar. General information on the management of the admission process is available at the following link.
order to apply to the PhD program in Systems Engineering and Computer Science,
the student must submit the following documentation:
The recommended access to this PhD Program is for students who have completed a Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering or Telecommunication Engineering. Although the preferred profile is that of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, students coming from other studies may also be accepted, provided that they accredit Master's level education in at least one of the research lines of the PhD Program.
Selection criteria:
there are more applications than available positions, the weighting of the acceptance
criteria will be as follows:
Adaptation applicant profile to the PhD program 60%
• Academic record 40%
In view of the application for acceptance to the PhD program, the Academic Committee of the program will determine the additional methodological or scientific training required to be admitted to the PhD program, and if necessary, the requirement of meeting additional requirements, including, exceptionally specific tests.
Doctoral students, as researchers in training and students of the University of Zaragoza, have to formalize every year the enrollment with the corresponding rights to the academic tutorship while continuing their doctoral training. The enrollment period will be set in the academiccalendar approved each year by the Doctoral School.
As a general rule, enrollment will be done online through the Secretaría Virtual ofthe University of Zaragoza. Previously a personal identification number (NIP) and password will have been obtained in the identity management service. Face-to-face registration will be allowed to those who cannot do it online, by going to the doctoral school during public service hours. PhD students must submit every year in which they enroll, documentation about their previous studies, depending on whether they have been taken in countries of the European Education Area or outside that space.
Full and up-to-date information on the enrollment procedure, including key points, is provided on the website of the Doctoral School, as well as prices, discounts and insurance, legalization and translation of documents and some others practical details.
The procedures for the supervision of doctoral students are set in article 11 of Royal Decree 99/2011, which regulates doctoral studies and the rules about Thesis (Reglamento sobre Tesis Doctorales de la Universidad de Zaragoza). The doctoral student admitted to the program has to enrol each academic year in academic tutelage at the University of Zaragoza. The Academic Committee of the program will assign a Thesis Director and a tutor, who may or may not be the same. The Thesis Director will be the person in charge of the overall management of the doctoral student's research tasks, of the coherence and adequacy of the training activities, of the impact and novelty in his/her field of the subject of the doctoral thesis and of the guide in other projects and activities where the doctoral student is involved. The tutor is responsible for the adaptation of the training and the research activity to the principles of the program and the Doctoral School and will ensure the interaction of the doctoral student with the Academic Committee of the program, the body responsible for supervising the progress of the research and training and the authorization of the thesis presentation of each doctoral student of the program.
The supervisory functions of the doctoral students will be documented in the Doctorate Letter which, once the registration is made, will be signed by the doctoral student, its tutor and its director, the program coordinator and the director of the Doctoral School. Those interested can expand the information on the thesis supervision in the administrative headquarters of the program (see contact information in the general information of the program) or by consulting the program coordinator.
The follow-up of the training process leading to the presentation of the doctoral thesis is carried out through the research plan and the doctoral student's document of activities. The research plan is presented before the end of the first year of enrolment and includes, at least, the methodology to be used and the objectives to be achieved, as well as the means and the temporal planning to achieve it. The plan may be improved and detailed later and must be endorsed by the Director and the tutor. The document of activities is the register of all the activities -research stays, courses, attendance to congresses, or others- that the doctorate carries out from his enrolment until the presentation of the doctoral thesis. Annually, the Academic Committee of the program will evaluate the follow-up of the research plan together with the document of activities. The positive evaluation will be an essential requirement to continue in the program. In the case of a negative evaluation, the doctoral student must be evaluated again within a maximum period of six months. Those interested can expand this information in the administrative headquarters of the program (see contact information in the general information of the program) or by consulting the program coordinator.
Once the thesis is concluded, the doctoral student must proceed to deposit and defend it according to the dispositions included in the thesis regulation of the University of Zaragoza and its procedure (info).
In addition to what is indicated in the previous sections, in order to guarantee the quality of the programme's doctoral theses, the Academic Committee recommends, as a general criterion, that the thesis be supported by the publication of a substantial part of its results in renowned international journals or conferences of recognised prestige.
The Doctoral School offers an annual series of voluntary activities for all doctoral students. This formation has a transversal and interdisciplinary nature. The offer is dynamic and covers the following formative aspects: communication (oral and written), access and information management, and skills for a future social and professional performance. Information about the activities, admission and enrolment can be found in the website of the Doctoral School (info).
Additionally, other formative activities of interest for a wide range of our doctoral students are disseminated through our web (info).
Mandatory 10 hours, for the total duration of the PhD
Research papers review | 4 hours per reviewed paper | Endorsement signed by the thesis director or any other means that reliably proves it |
Conference/Workshop paper presentation | Max 4 hours | Certificate issued by the Organization or any other means that reliably proves it |
Conference/Workshop poster presentation | Max 1 hour | Certificate issued by the Organization or any other means that reliably proves it |
Other activities | Consult with the Doctoral Program Coordinator | |
Article accepted in Journal/Conference/Workshop | Hours are not counted |
32 mandatory hours, for the total duration of the PhD (A minimum of 3 different activities is established. The goal is not to concentrate all the hours on a single activity. An activity made up of several related and consecutive talks, courses and workshops over time, such as summer schools and conference cycles, is considered as a single activity..)
DIIS seminars (properly publicized) | Duration of it | Original summary, written by the student (minimum half page) |
DIIS PhD Thesis (properly publicised) | Max 1 hour | Original summary, written by the student (minimum half page) |
Conference/Workshop Assistance | Max 6 hours per day | Certificate of attendance issued by the Organization |
Summer Schools (research only) | Duration of it. Maximum of 10 hours per School. | Certificate of attendance issued by the Organization (or Certificate of Qualification) |
Doctorate School Courses (research only) | Check with the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program before doing it, since many of them do not count for the program. Innovation talks are not counted. (Activities link). | |
Other research activities | Consult with the Doctoral Program Coordinator. |
* If a course is made up of several independent talks or research seminars separated in time, each talk or seminar will be treated as an independent activity, which must be justified by means of an original summary, written by the student, of at least half a page.
* The number of hours counted for a specific activity may be partial, and not total, with respect to the number of hours of the specific activity, depending on its relationship with the research concept. Consult, in case of doubt, with the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program before carrying out the activity.
* It is recalled that the activities to be accounted for must be related and valued from the point of view of research. Therefore, innovation activities are not counted.
Mobility is mandatory to obtain the international mention, and highly recommended, in any case.
Duration: 3 months to obtain international mention.
Goal: Stay in prestigious external centers to carry out some research activity directly related to the thesis or any other topic of interest for the doctoral student's training.
Sequencing: It is recommended to do it during the second or third year of development of the thesis.
Request: The stay must be authorized before its completion by the Academic Committee (Research stay form)
Justification: Report of the activity in the DAD.
The following section mentions the aids and procedures.
Doctoral students enrolled in doctoral programs benefit from mobility aids established in various national and international calls. The calls for the Erasmus + program stand out.
In the Erasmus + Studies mode, doctoral students can choose a wide range of destinations, since most of the agreements signed by the University of Zaragoza with other universities include places for PhD students of all branches.
In the Erasmus + Stays / Practices in companies modality, PhD students access two calls: the one from the University of Zaragoza and the one carried out by the Iberus International Campus of Excellence for the universities that comprise it, the one from Zaragoza among them.
Other mobility calls are specifically designed for Latin American students and for international stays of students with predoctoral contracts. The mobility of doctoral students of the University of Zaragoza is also encouraged with cotutela agreements signed with foreign universities.
The Doctoral School of the University of Zaragoza has rules and procedures to achieve its various goals, which have been written with the agreement of the different levels of the Doctoral School, and are published on its website.
The regulations section of the Doctoral School website contains other important regulations, both national and of the University of Zaragoza, such as RD 99/2011 por el que se regulan las enseñanzas oficiales de doctorado, el Reglamento de los Estudios de Doctorado (2012) y el Reglamento sobre tesis doctorales (2014).
Rules of duration and permanence in the doctorate are established in Instrucción de23 de mayo de 2018 de la Escuela de Doctorado relativa al acceso, admisión,dedicación y permanencia en los estudios de doctorado de la Universidad deZaragoza (R.D. 99/2011).
Full-time thesis should be complete in three years, from the date of admission to the doctoral program, although the Academic Committee of the program may authorize the extension of this period for one more year. Part-time doctoral students will have five years from their admission to the presentation of the thesis, and the Academic Committee may authorize an extension for two more years. Exceptionally, an additional year of extension can be added.
PhD candidates may request a change in dedication (full-time / part-time) as well as the temporary withdrawal for justified reasons of the Academic Committee. They can cause a definitive withdrawal and see their file closed in these cases: if the available time to deposit the thesis is exceeded or if they receive two consecutive negative evaluations of the research plan.
These processes are explained in detail on our website (info) and the doctoral students are told how to proceed in cases of temporary withdrawal (info).
The academic year is governed by the deadlines established in the specific Doctoral School´s academic calendar.
This calendar sets the periods of request for entry, admission to the programs, enrollment at the University of Zaragoza, as well as how the students must present every year the research plan and the activities document, deadlines for defending doctoral theses, etc.
The Doctoral School website publishes the calendar of the current course as well as the two previous courses (info).
To provide service to the PhD Program in Systems
Engineering and Computer Science, the Department of Computer Science and
Systems Engineering has a set of resources that are part of the School of
Engineering and Architecture (EINA), the center where the program is taught. Likewise,
most of the department's research groups that support the research lines of the
PhD program are part of the Institute of Research and Engineering of Aragón
(I3A). The
I3A has its facilities in the I+D+i building of the Río Ebro Campus which are also
available to the PhD Program.