2 | S1Semester 1 | 68773 | Master's Dissertation | Master's dissertation | 30.0 | | - | — |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68772 | Internships | Prácticas externas | 12.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68771 | Emerging risks in the food chain | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68770 | New technologies of food processing | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68769 | New tools in food safety | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68768 | Methodology for evaluation of food risks | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68767 | Advances and quality control of meat and fish | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68766 | Advances in technology and quality control of dairy products | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68765 | Advances in technology of foods from vegetal origin | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68764 | Advances in nutrition, diet and health | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68763 | Immunochemical techniques applied to food quality control | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68762 | Rheology and texture of foods analysis | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68761 | Research in molds and mycotoxins in food | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68760 | Methodology for study of inactivation and microbial survival | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68759 | Research in microorganisms in food, water and environment:
traditional and molecular techniques | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68758 | Molecular tools in food science | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68757 | Study of the chemical basis of food flavor | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68756 | Detection and evaluation of antimicrobial compounds in foods | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68755 | Sensory analysis of foods | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 68754 | Food metabolites analysis at trace levels | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68753 | Statistical techniques, experimental design and modelling | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68752 | Bibliographic resources and its apllication to quality assurance
of analytical methods in food science | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68751 | Academic writing of scientific texts in English language | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 68750 | Project development, presentation and communication of
results | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |