Year | Term | Code | Name | Course Type | ECTS | Number of places | Idioma de impartición | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39559 | Agile Methodologies and Quality | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39559 | Agile Methodologies and Quality | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39443 | Algebraic Curves | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 39411 | Algebraic Structures | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano, English | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39532 | Algorithms for Difficult Problems | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39532 | Algorithms for Difficult Problems | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39445 | Applied and Computational Algebra | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39523 | Artificial Intelligence | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39531 | Automatic Learning | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39531 | Automatic Learning | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39529 | Basic Algorithms | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39529 | Basic Algorithms | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 39501 | Basic principles of business administration | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39560 | Bioinformatics | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39560 | Bioinformatics | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | AAnnual | 39401 | Calculus I | Core | 13.5 | - | Castellano | |
2 | AAnnual | 39406 | Calculus II | Compulsory | 15.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39438 | Celestial Mechanics | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39535 | Commercial Processors | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39535 | Commercial Processors | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | AAnnual | 39414 | Complex Analysis | Compulsory | 9.0 | - | Castellano, English | |
3 | S1Semester 1 | 39511 | Computer Networks | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39424 | Computer Science II | 6.0 | - | Castellano | ||
3 | S1Semester 1 | 39514 | Computer Science Theory | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39563 | Computer Vision | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39563 | Computer Vision | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 39505 | Computer architecture and organisation I | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 39515 | Computer architecture and organisation II | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 39512 | Concurrent and Distributed Systems Programming | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39538 | Data Centers | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39538 | Data Centers | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39553 | Data Warehouses and Data Mining | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39553 | Data Warehouses and Data Mining | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 39513 | Data and Algorithm Structures | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 39425 | Database Systems I | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39550 | Databases II | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39550 | Databases II | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39555 | Decision-Making Assistance Systems | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39555 | Decision-Making Assistance Systems | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39441 | Differentiable Manifolds | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39566 | Distributed Information Systems | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39566 | Distributed Information Systems | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39521 | Distributed Systems | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39431 | Dynamical Systems | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39564 | Electronic Commerce | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39564 | Electronic Commerce | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39536 | Embedded Systems I | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39536 | Embedded Systems I | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39540 | Embedded Systems II | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39540 | Embedded Systems II | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39541 | Embedded Systems Laboratory | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39541 | Embedded Systems Laboratory | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39435 | Fourier Analysis | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39434 | Functional Analysis | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39417 | Galois Theory | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano, English | |
3 | AAnnual | 39408 | General Topology | Compulsory | 9.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | AAnnual | 39413 | Geometry of Curves and Surfaces | Compulsory | 10.5 | - | Castellano, English | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39534 | Graphic IT | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39534 | Graphic IT | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 39405 | Graphs and Combinatorics | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39520 | Hardware Project | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39527 | IT Security | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39552 | In-Company IT | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39552 | In-Company IT | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39533 | Information Retrieval | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39533 | Information Retrieval | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39524 | Information Systems | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39551 | Information Systems II | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39551 | Information Systems II | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | 39463 | Internships | Optional | 6.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | 39463 | Internships | Optional | 6.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 39412 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 39500 | Introduction to computers | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39530 | Language Processors | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39530 | Language Processors | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39421 | Lebesgue Integral | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39554 | Legacy System | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39554 | Legacy System | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 39410 | Linear Geometry | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano, English | |
1 | AAnnual | 39400 | Linear algebra | Core | 13.5 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39437 | Mathematical Astronomy | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39422 | Mathematical Modelling | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 39419 | Mathematical Statistics | Compulsory | 7.5 | - | Castellano, English | |
3 | 24900 | Modern Language: English B1 | Compulsory | 2.0 | - | (not set) | ||
3 | 24900 | Modern Language: English B1 | Compulsory | 2.0 | - | (not set) | ||
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39537 | Multiprocessors | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39537 | Multiprocessors | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39539 | Network Design and Administration | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39539 | Network Design and Administration | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 39404 | Numbers and Sets | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | AAnnual | 39407 | Numerical Analysis I | Compulsory | 9.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | AAnnual | 39415 | Numerical Analysis II | Compulsory | 9.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39430 | Numerical Treatment of Partial Differential Equations | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 39510 | Operating Systems | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39418 | Operations Research | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | AAnnual | 39409 | Ordinary Differential Equations | Compulsory | 9.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 39420 | Partial Differential Equations | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39517 | Person-Computer Interaction | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 39506 | Physics and electronics | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39543 | Prerequisite Engineering | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39543 | Prerequisite Engineering | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S1Semester 1 | 39416 | Probability | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano, English | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39432 | Probability Theory | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 39504 | Programming I | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 39509 | Programming II | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 39518 | Programming Theory | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39433 | Regression Methods | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39561 | Robotics | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39561 | Robotics | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39545 | Software Architecture | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39545 | Software Architecture | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S1Semester 1 | 39522 | Software Engineering | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39549 | Software Engineering Laboratory | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39549 | Software Engineering Laboratory | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39526 | Software Project | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39548 | Software Project Management | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39548 | Software Project Management | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39427 | Stochastic Optimisation | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39516 | Systems Administration | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39557 | Systems Administration 2 | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39557 | Systems Administration 2 | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39440 | Topology of Surfaces | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | 39423 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 10.0 | - | (not set) | ||
4 | 39461 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | 39461 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39423 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 10.0 | - | — | |
5 | 39528 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | - | (not set) | ||
5 | 39569 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | - | (not set) | ||
5 | 39569 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | - | (not set) | ||
5 | 39570 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | - | (not set) | ||
5 | 39570 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | - | (not set) | ||
5 | 39571 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | - | (not set) | ||
5 | 39571 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | - | (not set) | ||
5 | 39572 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | - | (not set) | ||
5 | 39572 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | - | (not set) | ||
5 | AAnnual | 39528 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 12.0 | - | — | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39558 | User-Centred Design; Design for Multimedia | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39558 | User-Centred Design; Design for Multimedia | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39544 | Verification and Validation | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39544 | Verification and Validation | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39562 | Videogames | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39562 | Videogames | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39542 | Warantee and Security | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39542 | Warantee and Security | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 39546 | Web Engineering | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S1Semester 1 | 39546 | Web Engineering | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 39556 | Web Systems and Technology | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
5 | S2Semester 2 | 39556 | Web Systems and Technology | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano |