Year | Term | Code | Name | Course Type | ECTS | Number of places | Idioma de impartición | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26581 | Didactics of Catholic Religion | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26580 | Teaching and Learning in Multigrade Schools | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26579 | The Context of Rural Education | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | AAnnual | 26578 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 9.0 | - | — | |
4 | AAnnual | 26577 | School Internships IV | Prácticas externas | 11.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | AAnnual | 26575 | School internships in bilingual education | Prácticas externas | 11.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | AAnnual | 26574 | School internships in attention to diversity | Prácticas externas | 11.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | AAnnual | 26573 | Curriculum and Inclusive Early Childhood Education | Compulsory | 10.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26572 | Didactics of Natural Sciences | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26569 | English in Infant Education III | Optional | 6.0 | - | English | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26568 | Language Disorders and Communication | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26567 | Child Psychopathology | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26563 | Resources for EFL in infant school | Optional | 6.0 | - | English | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26560 | Learning and teaching EFL | Optional | 6.0 | - | English | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26545 | Language and communication in the bilingual classroom | Optional | 6.0 | - | English | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26544 | Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) | Optional | 6.0 | - | English | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26541 | Educational Answers to Special Needs | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26538 | Innovation in Inclusive Schooling | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26534 | Early Care | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | AAnnual | 26532 | School Internships III | Prácticas externas | 10.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 26531 | Development of Musical Expression | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 26530 | Visual and Plastic Education | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 26529 | Primary School Physical Education | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 26528 | Children's Psychology and Health | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | AAnnual | 26527 | School Internships II | Prácticas externas | 14.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S1Semester 1 | 26526 | Didactics: Spanish in Child Education | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S1Semester 1 | 26525 | Didactics: Social Sciences | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26523 | English in Child Education II | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | English | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26522 | French in Child Education II | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Français | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 26520 | Didactics: Mathematics | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26519 | Didactic Material and Resources | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26517 | Development Disorders | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | AAnnual | 26516 | School Internships I | Prácticas externas | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 26515 | Children's Literature and Literary Education | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 26514 | Childhood, Health and Food | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 26513 | Primary School Teacher | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 26512 | Preventing Learning Difficulties | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26511 | English in Nursery School I | Core | 6.0 | - | English | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26510 | French in Nursery School I | Core | 6.0 | - | Français | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26508 | Educational Psycology | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 26507 | Social and intercultural education | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26506 | Psychology of Development II | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26505 | Context Assessment | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 26504 | School Observation | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 26503 | Nursery School as Educational Area | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26502 | Sociology and Social Psychology of Education | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 26501 | Psychology of Development I | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 26500 | Spanish language | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano |