3 | C2Term2 | 25637 | Clinical Physiology of Exercise for Health Professionals | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25637 | Clinical Physiology of Exercise for Health Professionals | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 |
| 25633 | Fundamental bases in structural, visceral and cranial osteopathy | Optional | 6.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |
4 |
| 25633 | Fundamental bases in structural, visceral and cranial osteopathy | Optional | 6.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |
3 | C1Term1 | 25632 | Academic writing for physiotherapy | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25632 | Academic writing for physiotherapy | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25631 | Diagnosis and treatment of communication pathologies | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25631 | Diagnosis and treatment of communication pathologies | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25630 | Basic Pharmacology | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25630 | Basic Pharmacology | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | AAnnual | 25629 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 6.0 | | - | — |
4 | AAnnual | 25628 | Practicum | Prácticas externas | 42.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25627 | Physiotherapy in clinical specialities IV | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25626 | Medical-surgical conditions II | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25625 | Physiotherapy in clinical specialities III | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25624 | Physiotherapy in clinical specialities II | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25623 | Specific intervention methods in physiotherapy IV | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25622 | Health legislation and deontology | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25621 | Medical-surgical conditions I | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25620 | Physiotherapy in clinical specialities I | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25619 | Specific intervention methods in physiotherapy III | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25618 | Specific intervention methods in physiotherapy II | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C1, S1Term1, Semester 1 | 25613 | Kinesitherapy | Compulsory | 6.0 | No vigente | - | Castellano |
2 | AAnnual | 25611 | Health psychosociology | Core | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | AAnnual | 25610 | Biomechanics and movement analysis | Core | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2, S1Term2, Semester 1 | 25606 | Human physiology | Core | 6.0 | No vigente | - | Castellano |
1 | C1, S1Term1, Semester 1 | 25604 | Basic principles of physiotherapy | Compulsory | 6.0 | No vigente | - | Castellano |