3 | C1Term1 | 25327 | Audiovisual communication project | Compulsory | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25325 | Audiovisual narrative: reporting and documentary | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25326 | Audiovisual production: reporting and documentary | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C1Term1 | 25311 | Basic economics | Core | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25342 | Communication and corporate identity | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25342 | Communication and corporate identity | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 25306 | Contemporary political and administrative institutions | Core | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C2Term2 | 25318 | Cultural bases for communication: A history of cinema and other audio-visual media | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C2Term2 | 25315 | Cultural bases for communication: Contemporary artistic trends | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C2Term2 | 25316 | Cultural bases for communication: Contemporary literary trends | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C2Term2 | 25319 | Cultural bases for communication: Geography and the environment | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25330 | Designing and editing printed publications | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25334 | Digital Communication Project | Compulsory | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25333 | Digital Communication and Information | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25335 | Elements of advertising and public relations | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 25304 | Genres and writing in journalism I | Compulsory | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 25309 | Genres and writing in journalism II | Compulsory | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25354 | Graphic Design and Infographics | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25354 | Graphic Design and Infographics | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25332 | History of journalism | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 25305 | History of the present world | Core | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25329 | Information and communication theory | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 25301 | Informative Documentation | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C2Term2 | 25322 | Informative genres of TV | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C1Term1 | 25313 | Informative genres of the radio | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 25307 | International relations | Core | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 25303 | Law and Deontology of Information (part 1): Law | Compulsory | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 25308 | Law and Deontology of Information (part 2): Deontology | Compulsory | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C2Term2 | 25320 | Linguistics: Pragmatics and argumentation theory | Core | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25355 | Local Journalism | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25355 | Local Journalism | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25350 | Mass culture theory | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25350 | Mass culture theory | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C1Term1 | 25359 | Modern languages I (English) | Core | 6.0 | | - | English |
2 | C1Term1 | 25358 | Modern languages I (French) | Core | 6.0 | | - | Français |
3 | C1Term1 | 25328 | Oral and written techniques (part 2): Writing | Compulsory | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25324 | Oral and written techniques (part I): Speaking | Compulsory | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25349 | Photojournalism and image technique | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25349 | Photojournalism and image technique | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25346 | Political and electoral communication | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25346 | Political and electoral communication | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25352 | Practicum | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25352 | Practicum | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25331 | Press communication project | Compulsory | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25336 | Public Opinion | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25348 | Radio reporting | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25348 | Radio reporting | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25347 | Research and Clarification Journalism | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25347 | Research and Clarification Journalism | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C1Term1 | 25345 | Scientific Journalism | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C1Term1 | 25345 | Scientific Journalism | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 25302 | Sociology of the present world | Core | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 25300 | Spanish language | Core | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25340 | Specialised Communication Projects: Audiovisual Documentary (full-length) | Compulsory | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25338 | Specialised Communication Projects: Corporate Communication | Compulsory | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25337 | Specialised Communication Projects: Magazine Radio Programme | Compulsory | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25339 | Specialised Communication Projects: Specialised Supplement/Magazine | Compulsory | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
3 | C2Term2 | 25344 | Sports Journalism | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25344 | Sports Journalism | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C2Term2 | 25321 | The communications company | Core | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C2Term2 | 25323 | The production of TV news programmes | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C1Term1 | 25314 | The production of radio news programmes | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
2 | C1Term1 | 25312 | The structure of communication | Core | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
4 | C2Term2 | 25356 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 6.0 | | - | — |