1 | C2Term2 | 62870 | Tackling Reading and Writing Problems in the Education Context | Compulsory | 2.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 62869 | Care Approaches for Specific Disorders and Conditions caused by other Processes and Alterations | Optional | 8.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62868 | Inclusive Education: Assessing Reading Ability in Deaf People | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 62867 | Assessing the cognitive-linguistic processes involved in learning to read and write | Compulsory | 2.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 62866 | Good Voice Use: Vocal Hygiene and Technique | Optional | 4.5 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 62865 | Assessing Language Development and Communication | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62864 | Analysis of practical cases through a statistical package | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62863 | Process Qualitative Research in Language, Communication and Pathologies Studies | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 62862 | Dissertation guidance: researching language problems | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62861 | Narrative discourse analysis in attachment relationships | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 62860 | Neurology of language | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 62859 | Psychopathology of Language and developmental disorders of language and communication | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | AAnnual | 62858 | Master's Dissertation | Master's dissertation | 12.0 | | - | — |
1 | AAnnual | 62857 | Practicum | Prácticas externas | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62856 | The role of family background in the treatment of communication and language disorders | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62854 | Intervention in reading-writting learning and contributions of ICT | Optional | 9.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62852 | Intervention in communication problems and language in TEA : IT proposals | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62850 | Intervention in language, speech, hearing and speech disorders: from theory to clinical practice | Compulsory | 4.5 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 62848 | Proposals for assessment and diagnosis of learning difficulties in reading and writing. The case of dyslexia | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62846 | Assessment of language and hearing disorders from clinical practice | Optional | 1.5 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62845 | Assessment of communication and language problems in ASD | Optional | 1.5 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62838 | Methods and designs in language research | Compulsory | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C2Term2 | 62837 | Neuropsychological assessment of language in dementia | Optional | 2.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 62835 | Psychological assessment of language and communication disorders | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | C1Term1 | 62831 | Biological bases of language | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |