Year | Term | Code | Name | Course Type | ECTS | Number of places | Idioma de impartición | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26668 | Acquisition et apprentissage du FLE | Optional | 6.0 | - | Français | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26661 | Active Musical Appreciation | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26670 | Advanced French | Optional | 6.0 | - | Français | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26654 | Artistic Expressive Physical Activities | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26640 | Child and Youth Psychopathology | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26655 | Collective Physical Activities | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26669 | Communication orale et écrite | Optional | 6.0 | - | Français | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26656 | Competitive and Cooperative Physical Activities | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 26601 | Curriculum in different contexts | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26620 | Didactics: Arithmetic I | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S1Semester 1 | 26626 | Didactics: Arithmetic II | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 26631 | Didactics: Biological and Geological Media | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 26629 | Didactics: Geometry | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano, English | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 26615 | Didactics: Physical and Chemical Media | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 26619 | Didactics: Social Sciences I | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano, English | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 26630 | Didactics: Social Sciences II | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S1Semester 1 | 26625 | Didactics: Spanish in Primary Education | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26617 | Diversity Awareness | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26635 | Diversity: Language Didactics | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26634 | Early Care | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26605 | Education in a Society of Knowledge | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26641 | Educational Answers to Special Needs | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26687 | English in Primary Education III | Optional | 6.0 | - | English | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26623 | English in primary education II | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26611 | English language in primary education I | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 26612 | Evolutionary Processes and Diversity | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano, English | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26671 | FFL Resources for Primary Education | Optional | 6.0 | - | Français | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26672 | FFL Syllabus Planning | Optional | 6.0 | - | Français | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26610 | French in Primary School I | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26622 | French in Primary School II | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26658 | Individual Physical Activities | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26638 | Innovation in Inclusive Schooling | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26665 | Languages of Music | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26662 | Learning How to Play a Musical Instrument | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26663 | Learning How to Speak and Hear | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26675 | Learning and teaching EFL | Optional | 6.0 | - | English | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26618 | Literature for Children and the Young | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26637 | Mathematics: Learning Difficulties | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | 24900 | Modern Language: English B1 | Compulsory | 2.0 | - | (not set) | ||
3 | 24901 | Modern Language: French B1 | Compulsory | 2.0 | - | (not set) | ||
3 | 24902 | Modern Language: German B1 | Compulsory | 2.0 | - | (not set) | ||
3 | 24903 | Modern Language: Italian B1 | Compulsory | 2.0 | - | (not set) | ||
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26666 | Music and Expressive Movement | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S2Semester 2 | 26628 | Musical Education: the Basics | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano, English | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26676 | Oral communication | Optional | 6.0 | - | English | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26657 | Outdoor Physical Activities | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | AAnnual | 26624 | Physical Education in Primary Education | Compulsory | 10.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26677 | Planning effective teaching | Optional | 6.0 | - | English | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26606 | Psychology of Development | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano, English | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 26600 | Psychology of Education | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26680 | Religión | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26678 | Resources for EFL in primary school | Optional | 6.0 | - | English | |
3 | S1Semester 1 | 26688 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 16.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | 26691 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 11.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | 26692 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 11.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | 26693 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 11.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | 26695 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 11.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | 26696 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 11.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | 26697 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 11.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | A, S2Annual, Semester 2 | 26660 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 10.0 | - | —, Castellano | |
4 | A, S2Annual, Semester 2 | 26667 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 10.0 | - | —, Castellano | |
4 | A, S2Annual, Semester 2 | 26673 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 10.0 | - | —, Castellano | |
4 | A, S2Annual, Semester 2 | 26679 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 10.0 | - | —, Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 26685 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 10.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 26686 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 10.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 26689 | School Internships | Prácticas externas | 16.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S2Semester 2 | 26616 | School Internships I | Prácticas externas | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
3 | S1Semester 1 | 26627 | School Internships II | Prácticas externas | 14.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 26632 | School Internships III | Prácticas externas | 10.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | 26698 | School Internships IV | Prácticas externas | 11.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | A, S2Annual, Semester 2 | 26681 | School Internships IV | Prácticas externas | 10.0 | - | —, Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 26603 | School as Educational Area | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26602 | Social and intercultural education | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 26607 | Sociology and social psichology of education | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 26614 | Spanish Literature: the Basics | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 26608 | Spanish language | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 26604 | Teacher and Education | Core | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26684 | Treatment of Disorders of Reading and Writing | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26683 | Treatment of Disorders of Speech and Voice | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | S1Semester 1 | 26682 | Treatment of Language Disorders and Hearing | Optional | 6.0 | - | Castellano | |
4 | 26699 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 9.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) | |
4 | S2Semester 2 | 26633 | Undergraduate Dissertation | Undergraduate dissertation | 10.0 | - | — | |
2 | S1Semester 1 | 26613 | Visual and Plastic Education | Compulsory | 6.0 | - | Castellano |