1 |
| 63310 | Adult Secondary Education | Optional | 3.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |
1 |
| 63304 | Attention to Students with Specific Educational Needs | Optional | 3.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 63312 | Communication Skills for Teachers | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 63308 | Conflict Prevention and Resolution | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 63284 | Design of Learning Activities for Physical Education | Optional | 8.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 |
| 63314 | Didactic Resources for Content Teaching in English | Optional | 3.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |
1 |
| 63313 | Didactic Resources for Content Teaching in French | Optional | 3.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 63282 | Disciplinary Content of Physical Education | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 63201 | Educational Processes and Contexts | Compulsory | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 63200 | Educational and Developmental Psychology | Compulsory | 4.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 |
| 63305 | Emotional Education for Teachers | Optional | 3.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |
1 |
| 63307 | Gender Equality | Optional | 3.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 63315 | Information and Communication Technologies for Learning | Optional | 3.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S2Semester 2 | 63285 | Innovation and Classroom Research in Physical Education | Optional | 4.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 63283 | Instructional and Curricular Design in Physical Education | Optional | 6.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 63209 | Internships I | Prácticas externas | 3.0 | | - | —, Castellano |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 63286 | Internships II (Physical Education) | Prácticas externas | 7.0 | | - | —, Castellano |
1 | AAnnual | 63287 | Master's Dissertation (Physical Education) | Master's dissertation | 6.0 | | - | — |
1 |
| 63309 | Materials Design for Distance Learning | Optional | 3.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |
1 | S1Semester 1 | 63202 | Society, Family and Group Processes | Compulsory | 4.0 | | - | Castellano |
1 |
| 63311 | Spanish for Immigrant Students | Optional | 3.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |
1 |
| 63306 | Thinking Skills: Development in the Teaching and Learning Process | Optional | 3.0 | No ofertada | - | (not set) |